
When someone passes away, it can be a very challenging and emotional time for their family. At the same time, a lot of important duties need to be done.

Probate is an essential step: it’s about getting the legal right to manage your loved one’s estate.

Probate now

To manage the legal and financial affairs of someone who’s passed away, personal representatives are likely to need Probate or letters of administration. These documents prove that an Executor or Administrator has the legal right to carry out their responsibilities and duties.

After Probate has been granted, it can take up to a year to perform all the tasks required to pass on money and assets to the beneficiaries of the Will. 

How HoneyPro can help

Thousands of clients choose us to manage the Probate process, taking away the worry, pressure and legal responsibility at one of life’s most difficult times.

You can choose to appoint Honey Legal* as Professional Executors for your Will and our team of experts can manage all these complex duties for you or your loved ones.

If you are an Executor and require Probate services today, we can guide you through all the legal, financial, tax, estate asset and communication duties you’ll need to complete.

*Honey Asset Management act as Executors for customers of HoneyPro